RV Lifestyle
A Better Bucket List: 4 Ways To Make Your RV Dreams A Reality

Maybe you’re familiar with this image: An old man wishing that he had done more with his life or taken advantage of more opportunities.
Do you sometimes feel this way about your RV? Did you want to take more trips than you were able to? Do you get discouraged thinking about how to make this year different?
Fraserway is here to help you make your vacation dreams a reality and we suggest starting with your RV bucket list! We’re here with four practical ways to actually make those dreams a reality this year.
First thing’s first: you can’t clean up a list if you don’t even have one. So let’s start here: where do you want to go this year? What’s one spot have you wanted to go for years, but have never been able to make it there?
Maybe lots of places or trips come to mind. Write them all down. Don’t edit or scribble anything out yet. Whether it’s a this-is-way-out-of-my-price-range destination or an overnight stay at a local campground, your bucket list will only be as good as what’s on it.
Unless you’re incredibly diligent and disciplined, you probably won’t be able to accomplish everything on your list. Now that you have your list, it’s time to prioritize.
Begin by grouping your items two columns: “Local” (within 50 kilometers) and “Destination” (any distances further than the local parameters). This will help sort them into two main types of vacations.
Next, arrange them in order of importance to you. This may be difficult to quantify, so ask yourself the following question: is it more important to revisit a family favourite campsite, or to try a new place you haven’t been to before? This will help weed out the less-than-important trips that will cost money and time that could be spent on a more meaningful adventure. Speaking of money . . .
Before you start spending that time and money, make an RV budget that will tell your money where it will go ahead of time. Next to each item on your list, make note of the following:
- Distance to the destination
- Campsite fees
Fuel could be your biggest cost when you’re out on the road. By having all of the distances laid out in front of you, your options will be more easily comparable. If the destination has a campsite fee per night, this added expense will help you see the overall cost for that particular location.
Next, plan out your food costs. How many days’ worth of food will you need? Will you be preparing your own meals in your RV, or eating at restaurants along the way or in the area? If you’re cooking your own food, you can control your costs by planning your menu ahead of time and shopping accordingly. Plus, cooking makes it easier to accommodate a diet or any special dietary needs you might have. If you’re eating out (which obviously is the more expensive option), do a quick Google search of restaurants along the way and at your destination. Most restaurants post their menus online, so you can get a better idea of what each meal will cost.
If you’re planning on shopping or doing activities on your trip, you may want to set a limit on your spending for these items. Write down your fuel, campsite and food costs ahead of time, which will give a much better idea of how much spending money you will have at your disposal for each trip.
Once you’ve calculated these costs for each of your priority destinations, you can cross-compare the items on your list and decide which ones will be most manageable for this year – and which ones to save for next year.
Speaking of a budget, you always want to make sure your RV is up to date on all maintenance items. It may cost money up front, but it will save a ton of money – and headaches – compared to having a breakdown during your vacation.
If you’re not sure if your RV is up to date, refer to this list of our recommended advance maintenance inspections:
- Fridge (propane and electric)
- Stove
- Oven
- Water heater
- Furnace
- Plumbing
- Electrical outlets
- Propane and smoke detectors
- Carbon monoxide detector
These are just a few of the items recommended by Fraserway's RV experts. Contact your local Fraserway RV dealership and book an appointment with the service department to get these components up and running. After all, Fraserway is the place for everything RV, and that includes doing all we can to ensure your safety on the road.
Aside from regular maintenance, you’ll also want to make sure your tires are up to par. Experts recommend looking to your owner’s manual to learn your RV’s specific tire size, load rating, sidewall strength and weight limit.
So there you have it! Are you ready to start your RV bucket list and make the most of your next trip? As always, we’re here to help. Happy travels!